The existence of this association aims::
Besides being part of the board of an international community of practitioners and researchers, to be a member allows you to:
Promote, disseminate, facilitate contact between researchers from the following scientific areas in psychology and education (and those that can be added):
- Learning, memory and motivation
- Conflicts and school mediation
- Vocational and career development
- Education, development and artistic expression
- Family, school and community
- Training teachers and educators
- Training and transition to the world of work
- Multiculturalism, social inclusion and education
- Language, communication and its disorders
- Models and assessment practices
- Special educational needs
- Policies and reforms of higher education
- Communication and educational technologies
- Transitions and development throughout life
Advise a few agencies require expert advice on these scientific areas. To fulfill these goals the following activities:
- Conduct regular scientific conference.
- Organize or promote meetings, seminars and thematic symposia.
- Develop, publish and distribute the Journal of Studies and Research in Psychology and Education.
- Blog edit format and on an irregular basis a newsletter of the association.
- Establish contacts and partnerships with other associations of matching purposes.
- Create a web page of the association to facilitate communication with stakeholders.
- In all its activities, the association will enhance the presence of the Spanish and Portuguese languages.